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PhiBrows Microblading

I am so excited to introduce a brand new treatment that I am now fully qualified in and will be offering at the salon - Phi Brows microblading.

Grainy Surface

What is microblading?

Phi Brows Microblading is a form of a semi-permanent makeup technique that involves creating hyper realistic hairlike strokes on the eyebrows using a handheld tool. The treatment is performed by a certified Phi Brows artist who has undergone extensive training in the technique.


Microblading is a treatment that I have wanted to learn and offer for a long time, I have always wanted for Lash n Glow to be as inclusive as possible and to be able to offer a treatment to clients with any type of brow shapes.


This treatment is perfect for those who have sparse eyebrows, uneven eyebrows, or simply want to enhance their natural brows. It can also be a great option for those who have difficulty applying makeup due to vision impairments, allergies, or physical disabilities.


Results of this amazing treatment can last as long as 18 months after the 4 week top up and you’ll have your DREAM BROWS ☁️

Meet the Therapist

Before and After


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the treatment take?

For the first initial treatment about 3 hours including the brow mapping and the top up takes 1.5 hours.

How long do they last?

It lasts for 12 to 18 months after the top up treatment so people who have good aftercare and pigment retention it can last as long is 2-3 years! 

Does it hurt?

Everyone has different pain thresholds some people may feel like it’s similar to little scratches on the skin or like a brow plucking feeling. However this is only after the first drawing of the strokes on the brows then anaesthetic is applied to numb the area for the remainder of the treatment. 

Do I need a patch test and consulation?

Yes, when you book your consultation slots online you will be given a set 30 minute slot which the treatment will be discussed in detail, your desired look, what aftercare needs to be followed and if your skin type / lifestyle is compatible with the treatment. A patch test is required at least 24 hours before the treatment. 

How much does the treatment cost?

£200 for the initial treatment

£75 for the 4 week top up





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